Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome to our Blog!

When you were a small child, you may have wondered or have been asked, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Or maybe when you graduated from high school the question of the season was, "What will your major be?" Now, while you're in college the question you may ponder is, "What will I do after college and what will I do with this [insert major] degree?" The overarching question that most can identify with:"What am I doing with my life?"  It's a common question and many students are in the same boat, not knowing what major to choose or which career to work towards. How could you know? There's so much out there, right? There are scientists, astrologers, geographers, nurses, ophthalmologists, welders,  auto mechanics, actuaries, and bankers, etc. The list can go on for days. There are so many different jobs out there. How does one go about choosing just one?! It's a big question to answer, however not impossible.
   The Advising Resource Center on Oakland University's campus works with students who are undecided on a major or re-deciding on a major. We work with students at all exploring stages; students who have no idea of what they want to do with little to no interest in any area, to students who actually have a major and want to just confirm some of their ideas.   Choosing a major rarely happens over night. It is a process that every person should take the time to evaluate. And choosing a major can be even harder when you have little experience or haven't explored options. With our list of majors (over 133 majors to choose from), its hard to narrow down what best will suit one's needs for life after college; hence- the point of this blog.
   Each week we will be showcasing a major and review career options, preparation information, and some cool details about each area in hopes to create a large archive for our students and others who find it appealing. To keep up with our page, you can follow us or subscribe to this blog. You can even like our Facebook page and follow that way!...In fact, I encourage you to do that now!
With that being said, we look forward to you reading our 1st major/career post in just 7 days!

“Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.”
-Frank Borman

**Please note that although we encourage our students to take away as much info as possible, we are not encouraging nor endorsing any one career choice over another.

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